The First Of Her Name
“Why do the Gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves?”
– Daenerys Targaryen, A Song of Ice and Fire. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 27.
The one thing that Game of Thrones does right is their main characters costumes. Our awe-inspiring Khalessi’s wardrobe is beautiful, and I wanted to create a Daenaerys Targaryen Fan Art of my favourite dress.
I personally don’t know how I feel about season 8 of Game of Thrones. As I’ve explained in my Broad Strokes: Our Game of Thrones (aSoIaF) Endgame article, certain missing characters from the books (amongst other things, namely bad writing) have made this last season feel rushed and all over the place. Not to mention the characters are ridiculously out of character. We have well and truly left the realm of GRRM’s books my friends.
Gripes aside, I’m posting my Daenerys Targarygen fan art to celebrate The Mother of Dragons before D&D ruin her in episode 5 :/